Causes of Reflux after Weight Loss Surgery
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Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, reflux after weight loss surgery

Acid reflux after weight loss surgery is a relatively common side effect, particularly after the sleeve gastrectomy. Acid reflux is characterized as the backflow of stomach contents into the esophagus. In many cases, patients will feel like they are choking or have a liquid coming up into their throat or mouth.  Although we often hear […]

There is a strong correlation between obesity and hypertension. Many studies have linked obesity and essential hypertension, placing patients at an increased risk of long-term health effects.  Essential hypertension is a form of high blood pressure that is a result of lifestyle habits, not a medical condition. Essential hypertension is often caused by obesity and an unhealthy […]

A sleep study published by a group of Weill Cornell Medicine researchers found that a disruption to the circadian clock may cause obesity. The research suggests external factors, such as stress, may promote fat cell growth when the body’s internal clocks are disrupted.  As senior author of the study and associate professor of biochemistry, Dr. Mary Teruel […]

Bariatric surgery has become an increasingly popular and effective solution for individuals struggling with obesity. However, the journey towards weight loss and long-term success after surgery is not without its challenges. Support groups in bariatric surgery success play a crucial role throughout the process, offering patients a network of individuals who can provide emotional support, […]

Food cravings after bariatric surgery are normal, but they can be pretty frustrating when trying to adhere to a healthy diet. The good news is that cravings are almost always a result of some chemical imbalance. By understanding this imbalance, you can better manage cravings after bariatric surgery.  Understanding the Science Behind Cravings Research has concluded […]

Often, when affected by ailments, we visit our doctors. On occasion, we require medication or surgical procedures. Most of those times, our minds become overwhelmed with the “what if” related to the condition, the medications, or the procedure itself. Very rarely do we take time to think of the quality profile of the organization where […]

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