The holiday season is filled with delicious meals, festive treats, and social gatherings that make it easy to overindulge. If you’ve strayed from your bariatric goals, don’t worry—you’re not alone. The good news is, it’s never too late to reset. Learning how to get back on track after holiday eating can help you refocus on […]

The start of a new year brings hope and motivation, especially for those on a weight-loss journey after bariatric surgery. New Year’s resolutions can be a powerful tool for setting goals, but creating lasting New Year’s resolutions is often a challenge. In fact, studies show that most resolutions fail by February. However, with the right […]
Bariatric surgery is a life-changing procedure that helps many people lose weight and improve their overall health. But surgery is just one piece of the puzzle. After the procedure, maintaining a healthy lifestyle—including regular physical activity—is essential for long-term success. If you’re unsure about exercise after bariatric surgery, you’re not alone. Many patients have questions […]
In today’s fast-paced world, many of us eat while distracted—whether it’s in front of the TV, scrolling through our phones, or rushing through meals between tasks. This mindless way of eating can contribute to overeating and weight gain, especially after bariatric surgery when developing healthy habits is essential. Learning the principles of mindful eating for […]
Obesity is a significant health challenge that affects millions of people worldwide. Recent research has highlighted a promising new avenue: oxytocin treatment for obesity. This “love hormone,” traditionally known for its role in social bonding, may offer substantial benefits for individuals struggling with obesity. A genetic study conducted by the University of Cambridge, points to […]
In our fast-paced lives, stress has become an almost constant companion. It creeps into our daily routines, affecting not only our mental well-being but also our physical health. One area where stress wields a profound influence is our digestive system. The gut-brain connection, as it’s often called, reveals a fascinating interplay between our emotions and […]
The impact of stress on the gut, particulary in bariatric patients can be extremely detrimental to long term health. Stress is a biological response that can wreak havoc on our bodies and minds. While its detrimental effects are widely acknowledged, its impact on specific health conditions, such as bariatric patients, is often overlooked. In this […]
Exercise is an important component of helping you lose weight after weight loss surgery. Exercising after bariatric surgery is also critical in maintaining that weight loss long-term. Patients eager to jump-start their weight loss journey may wonder, “when can I start exercising after bariatric surgery?” In this blog, we will give you guidelines for exercising […]
Food cravings after bariatric surgery are normal, but they can be pretty frustrating when trying to adhere to a healthy diet. The good news is that cravings are almost always a result of some chemical imbalance. By understanding this imbalance, you can better manage cravings after bariatric surgery. Understanding the Science Behind Cravings Research has concluded […]
Constant sugar cravings can be frustrating if you are trying to eat healthier after bariatric surgery. There is a science behind sugar cravings, which can be explained based on our hormones and blood glucose levels. In this blog, we will talk about why we crave sugar and what we can do about it. Often, cravings […]
Studies have confirmed that food addictions are real and can lead to obesity due to uncontrolled eating. The science of food addictions is easily explained as a loss of control when it comes to eating and is considered a psychologically-based eating disorder. Detailed studies of genetics, brain imaging, and other chemical malfunctions have proven that the […]
Emotional eating after bariatric surgery is a common problem, especially in individuals who struggle with food addiction. Many research studies have found the link between emotions and binging on unhealthy, fatty foods. One study reported that 27% of adults stress eat, and 34% of those individuals have created a habit out of this behavior. And after […]
Eating too fast after bariatric surgery can be bad for your health. It’s not just about how much you eat, but the pace you eat that can affect your overall diet and weight loss goals. One essential lesson we want patients to know is they need to have a good relationship with food and exercise. That’s why […]
Bariatric physical therapy is crucial to the whole process of weight loss surgery. Research shows that patients who undergo bariatric surgery need a consistent source of physical activity counseling, which we believe can be fulfilled by a physical therapist. This blog will delve deeper into physical therapy and the importance of activity in your weight loss journey. […]
Exercise is essential for keeping your body moving and functioning, especially after bariatric surgery. Several studies show that the body was designed to move and works best when it is active; otherwise, a sedentary lifestyle can weaken the muscles, heart, and lungs and lead to bone deterioration, joint stiffness, and more. Unfortunately, many people lack the motivation […]
Being healthy isn’t something reserved simply for those with a high bank balance. While you do have to invest in yourself, managing your weight, lowering stress levels, and treating your body well don’t have to take a toll on you, your work, or your family. In fact, some things, such as changing careers to lower […]
After bariatric surgery, strenuous exercise can be very challenging depending on your mobility. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t lead a healthy life. Thankfully, there are ways you can lose weight without exercise after bariatric surgery and without following an intense workout routine. We put together the following advice to help you lose weight when […]
A detox can help you feel refreshed, boost your energy, and reset your body as you head into summer. And, luckily, you can do so at home. Here are some easy ways you can detox in the comfort of your own home. Switch Up Your Diet Detox diets have been used in Native American, Indian, […]
Sleep is the foundation of nearly every aspect of your health, from your focus, your mood, your energy levels, and your correlation to diseases. So not only is it essential to get enough sleep each night, but it is also important to get good quality rest so your body can heal and repair itself. If […]
Incorporating physical activity into your daily routine has many benefits, including aiding in weight loss, alleviating joint pain, and improving your mood. If you are new to working out, you may feel intimidated and unsure where or how to begin. In this blog, we will go into everything you need to know about how to […]
We have seen many patients want to lose weight and avoid weight regain. But for that same amount of time, we have heard patients said they they don’t know how. What works is following a set of healthy lifestyle habits MOST of the time! Here’s a spoiler alert: you already know what to […]
When looking into how to make habits stick, you need to understand the basics of habit formation. You consciously choose a behavior that you want to make part of your life without having to overthink it. Habits are usually paired with an environmental cue. After following that cue and action, over time, a habit will be […]
We all have numerous healthy daily habits, which (hopefully) include things like showering, brushing teeth, eating meals at regular times, and washing our hands after using the bathroom (especially now with COVID). People can also develop unproductive habits such as biting their nails, twirling their hair around a particular finger, or saying “um” many times […]
Halloween is a season of candy and sugared goodies. And as a patient, this can be quite frightful if you are unable to overcome those sugar cravings after bariatric surgery. It can be hard to resist the temptation to open the bag of mini chocolate bars you planned on giving out to trick-or-treaters. And it […]
Today, we’re back with a list of cardio workouts you can do at home to get your sweat on! Whatever your fitness goals – losing weight, toning, coming back from an injury – these workouts will get your blood flowing and calories burning. Here are just a few of our favorite at-home workouts. 10-MINUTE CARDIO […]
Your heart is one of the most important muscles in your body. Although many people don’t look at it as a muscle because they can not artificially see it. Following heart rate zone training during exercise is a great “muscle building” attribute you can bring to the table. Simply put, your heart rate is the […]
The alarm goes off at 5:15 AM. I drudgingly roll out of bed (after snoozing for 15 minutes) and slip into my workout clothes. As I lace up my sneakers, I think of every excuse not to go to the gym—”I worked out hard yesterday. I am sore. I have a long day at work today. I […]
Do you want to reduce body fat, increase lean muscle mass, and burn calories more efficiently? Strength training, here we come! There are many post bariatric surgery tips, and one that is extremely important is adding strength and resistance training to your weekly routine. As a bariatric patient, lean muscle mass quickly diminishes the more […]
We have all been spending a lot of time at home lately as a result of the COVID-19 Shelter-in-Place orders. With gyms closed and some public parks, it can be challenging to motivate yourself to workout and stay active during this time of quarantine. As a bariatric patient, you may fear falling back into old habits […]
As coronavirus continues to spread across the country, many employees are working from home. Although there are advantages to not having to go into the office—like never having to get out of your jammies—there are some challenges that can arise. Here are our tips to stay healthy during your workday and to avoid boredom eating. […]
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is warning Americans about the spread of the coronavirus (officially called the Covid-19) in the U.S. So we wanted to take a pause from our regular blog conversations and address how to stay healthy from coronavirus. Today we are giving you all the tips you need to […]
How often have you asked someone how they are doing and they respond by saying, “busy”? We live in a time when being busy is cool. Busy means making time for work, errands, family obligations, and of course binging on your favorite Netflix show. And oftentimes, what is sacrificed is your sleep and, in turn, […]
Exercise after bariatric surgery is important to ensure you maintain your weight loss and can help you achieve the body you have dreamed of. If you have been relatively inactive in the past, the thought of walking into a gym can be daunting. Similarly, a gym membership may not fit into your monthly budget. But […]
We are halfway through December and as much as you may hate to admit it, you have probably slipped up a few times on your healthy eating and exercise regimen. But before you fall too far off the wagon, we want to give you some healthy tips for the reindeer (I mean remainder) of this […]
We all want to be healthier, but knowing how can be challenging. There is too much conflicting advice out there, and too many fads, miracle cures, and wellness trends to keep track of. On the opposite end of the spectrum, there is a lot of health advice that simply boils down to “eat well and […]
The gym can be an intimidating place, especially for those patients who haven’t worked out since high school gym class. And the idea of jumping into a workout routine is a scary thought. “What if I fail? What if I make a fool of myself? I am ashamed of how out of shape I really […]
As I prepare to become a certified personal trainer, I am asked by many patients how to exercise for weight loss. There is a common belief that cardio is the way to go if you are looking to torch those calories and lose fat. However, what most people fail to recognize (even the average Jane […]
Exercise is a very important part of living a healthy lifestyle and is recommended to many of our patients as it promotes weight loss, preserves your muscle mass, and improves your mood. But is it true that working out on an empty stomach can help you burn fat faster? In this blog, I am going […]
I think it is safe to say that we all desire to find our inner peace and zen. And you may be able to achieve just that by practicing yoga—a mind and body practice that dates back to 5,000 years ago. Yoga is a form of exercise that combines breathing techniques, meditation, relaxation, strength, flexibility, […]
Unlike high-intensity interval training, pilates is a form of exercise that reduces the impact on the joints through slow and controlled movements. Pilates is great for strengthening your muscles, improving flexibility, and bettering your posture. In most cases, pilates is a full-body workout that helps you move better in your everyday life while preventing injury […]
High-intensity interval training, more casually known as HIIT, is becoming a more popular exercise because of its high effectiveness and little time required. In 2017, HIIT was among the top fitness trends and has only been maintaining its popularity. What is High-Intensity Interval Training? High-intensity interval training is just what it sounds like—intervals of high-intensity […]
You probably read this title and thought to yourself, “What the heck is LISS?”. LISS stands for low-intensity steady-state and is a form of cardio exercise in which you exert a steady amount of energy over a period of time. And as you may be able to guess, the movements are low intensity, meaning they […]
We all experience food cravings—and it seems as though the times we are trying to eat healthy and lose weight, the cravings intensify. Can anyone relate? Managing cravings after weight loss surgery can be challenging. Cravings are a natural feeling that can tell you about your psychology or physiology and it is okay to give into […]
We have all heard fitness professionals talk about the “best time to workout” yet do they really know when we should be hitting the gym? Finding that perfect time to work out is more of a personal preference than it is a science-backed and proven phenomenon. Choosing the Best Time to Workout Some individuals, including […]
Let’s be honest—the most daunting part of working out is the thought of working out. For most people, finding time to hit the gym means waking up at the crack of dawn to go before work or finding the energy to get a good sweat in after work. So, it is no surprise that the […]
Quick! You only have 30 minutes to get a good sweat session in before heading to work. What do you do: A) Jump right into your workout or B) take 5 minutes to loosen your joints and get your heart rate up? If your answer was “B”, then you are correct! But you may be asking […]
Before we get into an introduction to cardio exercises, there are three main types of exercises: strength training, cardio, and stretching. Each of these is unique in their own way and are essential for maximizing your fitness level and preventing injury. You have probably heard that cardio is a great way to lose weight and […]
As a certified personal trainer, you can imagine how important I believe exercise is for your health. Many patients complain that their weight has prohibited them from being as active as they should and find it challenging exercising with limited mobility. They, therefore, do not get to experience all the benefits of regular exercise such […]
In the world of medical doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists and other medical and mental health professionals, there’s a debate, of course, about the concept of “food addiction.” Without question, scientific research shows addictive behavior regarding sugar consumption in animals. But what about humans? Brain scans of humans specifically show similar patterns for people “under the influence” […]

The topic of mental health has been swirling since the rise of social media. Whether talking about how to manifest your emotions or let go of things that don’t serve us, we can all agree that mental health is essential to finding fulfillment in life.

Nutrition after bariatric surgery is the most critical component to achieving long-term weight loss success. In this bariatric nutrition guide, learn everything you need to know about bariatric nutrition pre-op and post-op and nutrition basics.

Excess sugar consumption can increase your risk of many health conditions, including diabetes and obesity. In this guide, we give you the tips to reduce your sugar intake and improve your health.